Later, he gave his Amulet of Proof against Detection and Location to Fjord. Caleb used Maximilian's Earthen Grasp in the form of a cat's paw to immobilize the gelatinous cube. ", "I'm a dirty hobo and I reek of yesterday's garbage. Later, the Nein met with Vess DeRogna in her tower, and Caleb offered the Nein's collaboration in her Aeorian project. *Tunic not included* Scarf for cosplaying Caleb Widogast from Critical Role. [99] Later, Caleb and Essek returned to the Temporal Dock chamber in Aeor's Genesis Ward, where he mentally reviewed the plan he had had to go into the past, disguised as his younger self, and convince his parents to leave with him for Tal'Dorei, leaving two bodies from his Vault of Amber behind. Caleb, Fjord, and Caduceus went out for fish and chips, and talked about destiny and fate, their obligation to try to stop Tharizdun even if it meant their deaths, their growing attachment to the group, and their sense of duty to try to rescue Yasha from Obann. It was Caleb's idea to stay in Trostenwald to find new companions "to tag along with. In Prucine's home, Caleb attempted to take a spell case, but Fjord saw him and held the falchion to his throat, threatening to kill both him and Nott, who had come to Caleb's defense. [art 1] While on watch together, Caleb told Veth that he felt guilty for talking her into coming to Eiselcross, but Veth reassured him she wanted him to talk her into it. 10 Yasha asked, "Do you love her?" Frumpkin attacked Ren, clawing him, and Ren ran into his office. turn to roll and join Adventure with this Caleb Widogast inspired Collar of charm! Character Information Let's see what it is. # LAURA Put it on, Caleb. At its conclusion, he changed form into a dragon turtle and crashed down onto Uk'otoa's head. When Gelidon began to escape with Beau, Caleb used Cat's Ire to rescue her from the dragon. Caleb loves books and is almost constantly reading them. "Traveler Con" (2x108) During the fight with Avantika, Caleb polymorphed into a T-Rex. In the Dungeon of Penance, Caleb spoke to the Scourger in Zemnian, however she was resigned and uncooperative. Caleb Widogast Caleb told Nott that he didn't want to kill her, but he thought that in time, he could restore her. This whole soundtrack is showing Caleb Widogast rising from the ashes and healing as best as he can. Caleb thought gaining publicity should be discussed amongst the whole group, and he himself wanted to keep a low profile. Privacy. Caleb led the party to the Soltryce Academy, pointing out his old dorm room and a tower with obviously darker memories attached. (Last post . [28] Caleb smeared mud on his face when Jester demeaned the amount of money his parents made. "Zemnian Nights" (2x11) Once the monsters were killed, Capeleb picked up Essek and waved him in front of the clerics, attempting to get them to heal him. on Lorenzo with a Fire Bolt to the head and succeeded on the resulting wisdom save. Caleb and Nott flew out on a brief reconnaissance mission, but had to return quickly after they were accosted by a Righteous Brand soldier. While in the Blooming Grove, Caleb told Frumpkin he planned to free him if they survived the coming battle, and changed him into a white cat. [150][151], The two wizards rebuilt their bond during their time in Aeor, discussing their past sins and working together. Back at the Dim's Inn, Caleb once again asked Yasha to shave his beard for him. Caleb recognized his former teacher Master Trent Ikithon as one of two flying mages pursuing the Kryn Dynasty infiltrators responsible for the explosion. Lvl 13 Cali broke up the argument by positing that Caleb could simply use Suggestion to make her tell the truth. [140] Caduceus is also one of the few members of the Mighty Nein that did not mind Caleb's smell, and thought he smelled "fantastic. Before setting sail for the peace talks, the Mighty Nein decided to speak with the Cerberus Assembly delegates. Beauregard has called Caleb her best friend, and Beauregard is probably the person Caleb trusts most after Veth. Last seen Three pieces of amber (used as components when casting, Obtained by Caleb after killing Ikithons guard in the, Returned to Caleb by Jester, who had been given it by Fjord, Ring of Telepathy (120-foot range) acquired from, The beacon was found to contain a nearly incomprehensible amount of power when Caleb used, Removed to free an attunement slot for the. [113] Even though Frumpkin's deaths are temporary, Caleb takes it personally when someone other than Nott kills him. Caleb told Essek they were friends now, and Essek responded, "I like that." In the battle with the Laughing Hand, Caleb Polymorphed into a giant ape. She provided several floor plan drawings showing wards and traps near the vault. [art 4] During his revivification, Caleb held Fjord's head in his lap. Caleb and Jester removed the Threshold crest that Cree had placed within Cognouza, and Caduceus sent it into the Elemental Plane of Fire. Although their relationship had a rocky start, they quickly came to rely on each other and eventually grew very close. Jester cast Word of Recall to make their escape, but it failed. He then changed Frumpkin into a spider to explore the inside. Jester cast Cure Wounds on Caleb, bringing him back up, but the minotaur's lightning lance put him out for the fourth time in the encounter. They were both raised in the Dwendalian Empire, but think it is a flawed nation and want to actively make things better for the people of the Empire, especially if it means dismantling the current power structure. [104], Fan art of Caleb and Frumpkin, by saturdaysky. [37] He does not consider himself to be remotely brave.[38]. When the party was discovered by the High Richter, Ulog entrusted a note to his wife to Caleb before charging at Prucine with a magical bead and detonating a Fireball that killed them both and knocked out Caleb. Caleb left the case, but Nott managed to steal it for him without Fjord noticing. Caduceus asked Caleb if he believed in fate, saying that he believed Caleb was being shaped by the world into "something important," and that he wants to ensure that he helped Caleb get to that point. That evening, Caleb told Nott once again that she could talk to him, if she wanted. ", "You were always a better dancer than me, Astrid. All three of them were also trained to interrogate and execute dissidents to the Empire. [134], On the ship sailing to the peace negotiations, Fjord apologized to Caleb for holding the sword to his throat during the heist in the High-Richter's home in Zadash, admitting that it came out of his desire to control the situation. [36] Caleb's generally dour and isolated manner morphs into an open and jubilant mood upon purchasing new books. Nott talked to Caleb about her insecurities about her reunion with Yeza, asking if she was a bad person for continuing adventuring and expressing doubt if she wanted to go back to being a housewife. Caleb and Yasha have similar tragic backgrounds, feeling responsible for the death of a loved one. "Fair-weather Faith" (2x123) In the fight with the froghemoth, Caleb debuted a spell of his own creation: Widogast's Web of Fire. They met when they were both going through very difficult times, and have supported each other throughout their journeys, helping each other overcome many obstacles. See 1x130 from 2:40:55 through 2:41:12. "Homeward Bound" (2x48) [146][147], Their relationship became complicated after the revelation that Essek had given the beacons to the Cerberus Assembly. Human Male "I love me some Widogast #criticalrolefanart #CriticalRole #Caleb @CriticalRole" . "Fleeting Memories" (2x14) [106] Caleb knows that Frumpkin prefers to be in cat form, but is willing to change him to other forms when necessary. The three killed their parents, but Bren "broke" when he heard his parents' screams from inside their burning house. Sensing that something was up, Caleb sent Frumpkin in the form of a monkey to spy on a private conversation between Thain and Ludinus Da'leth. Caleb also looked into the Traveler. The third eye appeared on the palm of his left hand,[33] and the fourth over his heart. Upon purchase you will receive a link to a short survey. "Welcome to Cognouza" (2x137) "Frigid Propositions" (2x109) [art 37], Caleb and Essek are lifelong friends, and are romantic partners after the end of the campaign. [66] After the fight, Mollymauk came over and slapped him to rouse him, kissed him on the forehead, and stated that there would be "time for that later. Upon joining forces, Fjord and Caleb quickly developed a collaborative working relationship. "The Fancy and the Fooled" (2x97) When the party left Essek's chambers, Caleb caught a quick moment alone with him, where he reminded him to breathe, and told him that, "it takes time.". Campaign Two (141 episodes)Campaign Three (1 episode)Specials (3 episodes) Caleb has copied at least twenty-four additional spells into his spellbook. While in Zadash, Caleb bought three spell scrolls (Feather Fall, Expeditious Retreat, and Catapult) from the Invulnerable Vagrant and transcribed them into his spellbook. Trent continued to contact Caleb telepathically, telling him he wanted only to talk to him, which Caleb rejected. During the fight with Obann the Punished, Caleb used Polymorph to transform into a giant ape. The next day, Caleb and Beau visited the Cobalt Soul archive, where he did research on mages in history that had been able to bend time and reality. In the fight with the remorhazes, Caleb Polymorphed the badly injured Jester into a wooly mammoth. Age Caleb removed and put away the bandages on his arms, saying that there was no longer anything to hide. Cause of death But I'm not going to risk all of you right now., Caleb's intelligence is one of the highest for any player character, tied with. "The Calm Before the Storm" (2x130) [art 42], Yes, I was trained to be a terrible person. [103], After helping Beauregard expose the corruption of the Cerberus Assembly, Caleb visited his parent's gravesite and took out the second book from his coat. Caleb was alarmed when Nott introduced herself as "Bren" to Calianna, before realizing that the choice of pseudonym was pure coincidence. She asked him to start trusting himself. They discussed their goals and the possibility of atonement. This includes the story for unaired episodes of The Legend of Vox Machina, as it's based on the first campaign of Critical Role from 2015-2017. He started going by multiple aliases and hid from Trent for the next five years. Caleb was one of the Mighty Nein members to take part in the Hour of Honor drinking competition. Caleb and Eadwulf agreed that it was good to see one another again. Fjord used a potion to wake Caleb up, and the party quickly fled from the smoldering house. The party expressed concern for Caleb's wellbeing, and after spending the evening drinking, Caleb summoned and cuddled with Frumpkin. "The Genesis Ward" (2x135) She explained that he started lashing out violently at her and others as well, showing him the burn scars on her neck. When describing the material components for the spell, Some of the aliases used by Bren Ermendrud prior to meeting Nott and assuming the name Caleb Widogast, were: Trevor Albrecht, Collin Kramer, Eren Andermeier, Phillip Sommer, and Max Degenhardt (as listed in. He escaped and had spent the five years since on the run, protected from location by Empire authorities by his stolen Amulet of Proof against Detection and Location.[69]. Marion reminded Caleb that bad people try to make good people believe they are at fault for being victimized, and to focus on the good things he does. [97] During the ensuing battle, Uk'otoa was released, and the party Teleported back to Nicodranas, hired a ship, and sailed into the southern Lucidian Ocean to fight the leviathan himself. Fan art of Caleb casting Widogast's Web of Fire, by Ayzek V Kass. Caleb used Shapechange to become an adult blue dragon for most of the battle. Passage to floors above the last of the bedchambers was sealed off, though Caleb later passed through when he was alone by muttering "gone but not forgotten" in Zemnian. Finally, he asked, "Do you know Bren Aldric Ermendrud?" "Long May He Reign" (2x140) [41], At the beginning of the story, Caleb had very "sticky fingers" when it came to magical objects and would try to take anything magical if he thought he could get away with it. In order to appease Vokodo, Caleb offered his Amulet of Proof Against Detection and Location. Caleb assisted in intimidating Algar into leaving Nicodranas. Fjord told him he was a good friend, and although he had done terrible things, he still saw a good man. "Manifold Morals" (2x74) She often includes him in conversation, teases him, and tries to cheer him up. Caleb was enraptured by an Aeorian records room, filled with notes and blank paper, and decided to spend ten minutes casting his Vault of Amber. [173] In Caleb's epilogue, he fulfilled this dream. [170] After an abrupt battle between Trent, Astrid, Eadwulf, and the members of the Mighty Nein, Trent Ikithon was subdued and brought before a court to expose his corruptive involvement in the Cerberus Assembly. Caleb seemed hesitant and suspicious of Fjord's intentions. When the group was outed as having attacked Kryn skirmishers, Caleb convinced the guards to allow him access to Jester's haversack. Caleb Widogast i. Zemnian Human "Lost Treasures" (2x22) Fan art of the Ermendruds, by Saturnberries. Ads by Longitude. "Midnight Espionage" (2x12) 33 (in 835 PD)[4]41 (in "Campaign 3 Episode 50" (3x50)) [59], Fan art of Caleb and Nott, by Lost Acumen. Later that night, Caleb told Nott that if she ever wanted to talk about her past, she could always come to him. Caleb, Beau, Molly, and Nott woke up to find that Fjord, Jester, and Yasha had been kidnapped by the Iron Shepherds. Seeing what level the characters are at now, I've been wondering how far they've actually come in terms of levels/XP. "Ghosts, Dinosaurs, and Stuff" (2x102) After a long, hard battle against the Iron Shepherds, Caleb got the How do you want to do this? Caleb asked Beau to trust him, saying that his desire to kill Trent Ikithon was in line with the things that Beau and Dairon want. A small turtle statue sculpted by Jester as a child. He was affectionate with Beau after Obann was finally defeated for good. Reani, Jester, and Caleb turned into bats to scout the Tumblecarve residence, but Jester and Caleb became very distracted by the promise of bread as a reward. Astrid, Eadwulf, and Bren were all from the small farming community of Blumenthal in the Zemni Fields of the Dwendalian Empire, although they didnt know each other before being selected to attend the Soltryce Academy in Rexxentrum. When the party reached the burned ruins of the Brenatto Apothecary and found the partially burned notes referencing dunamancy and the experiments of the Cerberus Assembly to begin to harness it, Nott realized that if it was not the Kryn Dynasty that might have her husband, it might be "[Caleb's] people," and became angry when he tried to keep her quiet about it because only Nott and Beau, at that point, knew his history. The Mighty Nein Origins: Caleb Widogast. Last update: The Mighty Nein Reunited Official character card art by @ornerine. She was genuinely mournful for his pain, but with an underlying hardness. Caleb participated in both the Sutan and Prucine heists that night. Afterwards, Jester told Caleb she was there for him if he wanted to talk and paid for the paper necessary to transcribe Caleb's new spells. They escaped to Tidepeak Tower only to learn Yussa was in an unwakeable trance. He is played by Liam O'Brien. [art 21]. Caleb mentioned that he wanted to go back to the Empire since he was convinced that the peace negotiations did not end the problems within their homeland, although he was not sure exactly how to proceed to root them out.
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