Is elara a name? That stands for up there and can be used to describe anything above you. My roots are southern. I live in Wisconsin right now. They are just plain ignorant. And, even though they did increase their fortune by moving, they still could have been just as wealthy by now if they had just stayed in their Upper East Side brownstones. The soft "d" sound is the key. The LARGEST slave market in the US was in Bristol, Rhode Island. Pres., How about, hes a nice boy, but about as sharp as a bowlin ball. No wonder people have different dialects,its almost eight hundred miles from Houston to El Paso. We or at least we dont Judge people from the south. The south may be a region, but its traditions, and the soul, not where you live. STOP LEARNING NEW WORDS My pronunciation playlist: How to improve your listening skills: Sound like a native - the myth: How to stop translating in your head: 5-steps to get stuck LESS and speak FASTER in English How to stay MOTIVATED when learning ENGLISH Do you change your voice when you speak English? When I went to Germany, I had to drop my Southern drawl. We also eat fried green tomatoes and fried cheese sticks. Also a lot of my family has a twang/ drawl. Quantico is near Fredricksburg, and there are tons of jobs to be had in DC, but they cant afford to live in DC, so they move to VA. In fact, they use bless your heart and its not the least bit mean-spirited like the way some Southerners use it. And coke is better. Im from NC and no one says pop.. To be clear, I dont switch back & forth because Im not genuine. Mighty fine way with that city slickin, green eyed envy stricken DAYUM YANKEE. Give it up, honey cute piece, but absolutely fictitious. Loyola University-New Orleans? See my post above about Virginia. I dont talk southern and dont act it either but from what I been reading there is a lack of respect with some on here, not all but some Im from the north and I can tell you there are good and bad everywhere. People dont all have accents or say stereotypical Yall can comment below. I always enjoy talking to people about old sayings and such from the south or north. When I was commissioned in the Army and went to officers training one thing we had to do was make a speech (which we wrote), present it, be videoed making the speech, and then be critiqued. Air conditioners and the refrigerator systems were invented by a southern Doctor from Florida, Shipping containers were invented by a southerner and wreckers were also. My concern is this: My fiance has been rejected by everyone he knew up here (family included) because he came back different. Its endearing to hear another accent but i have to say that the predjudice i receive from southerners is horrible. One last smidgen of truth Northerners are not taught and dont seem to understand!?! They do not represent many of us Southerners thoughts or opinions about our Northern friends and most of us do not speak like we are from the back woods. Nobody cares about your northern ass. Tulane University (New Orleans)? I have some fam. I stopped saying it since I dont live in the south anymore, and I dont hear it here in the north. The Confederate Battle Flag (or the Southern Cross), did not represent the Confederate Govt, it was a flag of the military (It was never a flag of the Confederate States Govt). Ooooh! Ive lived in the south my whole life, and I consider myself an intellectual. I am going to take a wild guess. A whatchamacallit, do dad, an item that you can not recall the name of, or if youre just toi tired to care. We usually dont consider many states that are below the dixie line to be south. ive never heard a person say beanie or toboggin its always been a boggin or hat down here in georgia, shit your right this aint where a yankee belongs time to get the ol double barrel out again and the south never fell its always been better than tha north. They mite visit America cuple weeks, but will return to their native countries to live there. Here in upper Georgia we say most of those things but we say someone is older than dirt if they make us mad at em. As Kevin says, we are all Americans. What part of UNITED do some people not understand? But I am still Southern and always will be! Have a great 2016. LOVE the Southern expression, Ill carry you there!!! (Arkansas not a Southern state? Its comments like yours that make me feel sorry for you. well, as best I can tell having been born in SC and spent half my life there its because you dont know anything about us yankees (technically, thats only New Englanders), and are always making up things like the nonsense in this article to ry to make us seem like foreigners. won the Civil War! Congrats. New Bern, to be exact. I say yall very frequently definin a group of people. Those ARE American words, right? We do not believe something because we are not racist, and take face value of whatever is spewed out. And I say buggy everyone here tells at me because I say that rather than a cart. Sorry- Inferior quality, Miserable But in NOLA, your poboy could even have plain deli meat. R.I.P. I love how my Texan mama says, Window and Potato. The south is weak, fat, and soft. The first one, for me. Great blog! Ice Tea should be so sweet your teeth hurt!!! Poor thing. Because of this tragic lack of getting the roads fixed, Southerners do not call our interstates freeways but highways. They enjoy putting us down. And if you think Lincoln was a great president: He is often considered to be the most overrated president of all time. You are all pussies. ERRNT wrong. Oh, homosexual and Bible thumpers. The South fought to the very last and mainly they wanted to keep their land and their money. then again, im from atlanta, so some of these differ where i hail. Bless your heart.. but scratch that sugar-coated Southern exterior, and youll find something quite unappealing and unattractive. a ways is a distance or could be talkin bout time, weuns and youuns, younguns, parts is talkin bout a place (them parts) Why, we would feel purty much at home down yer way! The South had roughly 250,000 soldiers while the North had 2.4 million at one point. It is stronger and not soft like yall in the south who are charmin extra extra extra soft. Many have gotten off topic a bit, so Ill join in for a moment before I share my on-topic comment. Well, crud, there sure is a lot of animosity about this. The Senior Officers told me to NEVER lose the accent as people would pay attention to what I had to say. Darn Transplants! I swear Ill never move to the north!! Nun Ya Im an Okie, and i hear stupid as a stump a lot.. Besides, this is the internet. I reckon, be there directly and shake your tail were familiar as well. And in NYS people do NOT call a bunch of girls you guys I believe thats a California thing, You know California? Lolol! Oh, sweetie! Y'all sit on them . I am always being told you don t understand. I do not know where you, the biggest moron from the North, got your information, but I am sorry to inform you that you are incorrect. Makes the sentence 1/3 shorter by dropping 1 of the 3 syllables. Like saying Hows it goin?. My best friend is a gay man and I am a woman. Mash the button I never heard that until I came down south. We are stronger, faster, more educated. We got our pit bulls and our guns. Unless, I dunno, you believe time travel or some shit. If you ask for the substitute sweetener condiment it goes ignored Especially at a fast dood restaurant drive thru. Or as E Wid commented above (on 2/26/2013), Pepsi=New Bern, North Carolina(.) Say youre from the north then go down south and stay there and adopt the southern culture and all that what would you be considered. It sounds like youre some kind of know-it-all that came down to slum it for the weather and low cost of living a carpetbagger, in other words. (And "all y'all" for five or more people.) Theres no need for it South of the line. Best of luck with that narrow mind of yours. And if you think were so ignorant Yankee, DONT COME DOWN HERE AND ENJOY OUR WARM SUNSHINE AND BEAUTIFUL BEACHES! And you call US arrogant? For example, with the Long vowel /i/ ("ah-ee"), Southerns may shorten it to just ah. Its Southern, but not as Southern as it used to be. Whatcha no good? .the northeast has got nothing on this place! Road Also, people from new Orleans really hate it when people say nawlins. Keep reading. Well Bless (shake head). Yeah Savannah is so far down there from North Carolina. how southerners pronounce atlanta. We got quite a few kinsfolk down in mah state. Waving while you are enjoying time on your porch is acceptable behavior, even to strangers. Im scared to death of those critters!! but dont avoid everyone because of the bad ones. I hate to prognosticate, but I would garentee that most if not all of you had no idea what I just said. North Carolina State University (the latter three in the practically adjacent cities of Chapel Hill, Durham, and Raleigh, NC, respectively)? They thought is was cute and endearing. Ive also seen it in Europe and hear of it on the national and international news in other places. My parents are from the pee dee area of South Carolina, but I was raised in the suburbs of Atlanta and my southern accent was corrected by all my friends in school with Yankee Parents. NORTHERN-SUPREMACY. Southern or otherwise? btw Coca~Cola and RC Cola are the only two cola worth drinking!!! Its all good, David. Because the word Yankee in the sense you used it in isand for quite some time, has beenstrongly associated with what was eventually renamed the Northeast. I live in northwest Indiana a half hour from Chicago and my mom says dumb as a box of rocks. Pronunciation of Georgia with 5 audio pronunciations. See, we Southerners actually have quite the way with the English language, and have even produced a few much beloved wordsmiths over the years. Shakespeare used yonder, like in Romeo and Juliet. any suggestions? Yeah, I know, Charlotte, Atlanta, etc., were so ill-prepped for that storm that it wasnt funny. To the southern side of yall, i say, ey bo. 16 Kitchen Design Trends Southern Designers Predict Will Be Everywhere in 2022 There's no denying how the pandemic fundamentally changed the worldincluding how we live (and work) inside our homes. The civil war wasnt about slavery, it was about individual state rights. hes so stupid he he cant poor his own piss out of his boot with instructions written on the heel I was always in either Florida or Georgia when I was growing up. Im not southern, but I would love to visit. Lets see a few terms I love from my heritage: No substitution, for good ole fashion Yankee ingenuity and wit. . Southerners against Northerners, races against races(all races), high class against low, etc. By the way, Its called The War Between The States, for obvious reasons. idk if we hold the monopoly on aint but we say it a lot down here in south georgia lol Will the name be easy to pronounce and remember? We never had snow here at the beach, so we didnt know anything about sledsor hills for that matter! Some of these people are actually trying to have a fight from behind computer screen and are calling other people ignorant? And to that moron above who says Texas is part of the Midwest, if hes actually American then hes a retard. My favorite Nawtherners are the Snow Birdsthe come and spend there money and know when they have outstayed there welcome!. I am on here to research names for a new business. Bless their lil ol hearts! In the meantime, theres my other teamor at least my other NYC Major League Baseball teamthe Mets! They are still doing it and have been at it for 40 years so thats why our kids dont know who Audie Murphy is but know who Jesse Jackson is. You say we are narrow-minded and stupid. Especially if its I-75 in Georgia or Florida. AMEN. At least we know how to drive correctly. Pronounce Atlanta in German, Random words: What nationality is the name Mahsa? And dilly dally is the same as lollygaggin. LOL. I 2nd that, Lousiana Belle! I am a northerner, but I appreciate Southern culture and the emphasis on tradition, family, faith, and good manners. Darlin we are awesome and you are not arrogant, you are ignorant. Im from reisterstown maryland. The former pronunciation is rhotic, the latter non-rhotic. Pop comes in bottles and cans while soda comes from a fountain. Not sure of the spelling but if you ever get to TN and work in a grocery store, they will ask if youns got this? Basically saying do yall have this. I was up there for many years and only found one family whose grandparents were native to Michigan. We dont need your shit down here. Rate the pronunciation difficulty of southerners. I stayed with them and learned how Northern People live I did pick up the Northern Accent and those Northern Words that they use. I pretty much call anything more south in any direction from where I am down the bayou. It tickled you TO DEATH. What about your a liar the truth aint in ya and Jesus doesnt love you Thats what my dad says when he is pissed off.. Say answer me.. Dont forget America started out as 13 British colonies so we were bound to pick up and still use some of their words. all yall yanks need to take yer bad attitudes and get! Better check your blood line. Seriously, have. Wheres your attitude from honey? God Bless You. We are much much stronger then you cupcakes. Another thing, notice how Ive been using previous grammar the entire time? First . How do most of you pronounce Toronto? Im from Georgia, and it wasnt until I moved up to north Georgia for university that I ever heard anyone say you guys. I was born and raised saying yall, and to me you guys just sounds harsh on the ears. We LOVE sweet tea! Pole cat/ term used for skunk You forgot a FOURTH definition of Yankee: one who plays for the New York City team of Major League Baseballs American League. My brother lives in rural Pennsylvania, and there are as many rednecks up there as here. (Oh-and the New York METS!, TOO!!! Next, I refuse to believe you actually think that just because people live in the South you are actually less educated than others; Ill have you know that schools like Duke, Washington University in St. Louis, Vanderbilt, Rice U, Emory, Wake Forest U, UNC Chapel Hill, Georgia Institute of Tech, UMiami and UF are all top notch school IN THE SOUTH. I had s box of rocks but gave to my hillbilly brother lol. You can still kill someone with your fists, and if anything, its more violent. Has it ever occurred to you that southerners attend these ivy league schools all the time and take their knowledge back home with them? Drop the g and add an r Dont they teach that along with i before e except after c? Listen to the audio pronunciation in the Cambridge English Dictionary. #LovetheSouth #GoDawgs Follow Lauren on Twitter. cuz I wouldnt consider myself a yankee! Idk, To say you are going to rise and do it again, tells us you are so stupid that you are admitting you would also lose again Idiot. And depending on who youre talking to, theyll be asking if you have any cheern, or churn, not children. I do not have any sort of problem with the South or the people living there, but in saying that north was in the wrong for fighting for equality I simply cannot agree. Whos more dumb? So have all my family. Haunted, and Ghosts or ones who Haunt. Bryce Harper tries to tell an Atlanta Braves fan how to pronounce Ronald Acua Jr. correctly. Thats it. 11. Lea, Im from Texas & I tend to talk like that! Theres/contraction, joining of two words, there is In terms of accent, its strongest forms include southern varieties of Appalachian English and certain varieties of Texan English. There are a lot of words mentioned above that I use or have heard, like caddywompus and dagnapit but some of them Ive never heard. you smile and nod and most will do the same. Well shit fire usually followd w/ save matches by a second person. Also, on the homosexual thing, wow. Atlanta Organizers Come to Atlanta, a sprawling metropolitan area with more than five million people in 14 counties that span 50 miles in each direction, and you're likely to get a good dose of Southern hospitality. Hey, you want some southern hospitality? Some parts of the state are southern, while other parts of the state arent southern at all. Its over and done. Stanford isnt even in the Northeast nor on the East Coast, period! I am involved in the music ministry at Hey, Im justa tellin it like it is, Well its easy to see where ELIZABETH comes from, the Windy City shes blowin allot hot air, might neer too big fer her britches, Kristin theres a few more You grew up in Bama? The CSA ( Confederate States of America ) the Confederacy was a government set in 2/8/1861. And i can bait a hook! Kansas City has little to do with the great plains. Answer (1 of 8): There's a lot of differences. We all live in the USA. My spelling is immaculate, Im in all AP classes, Im nonreligious, and I just might be a hell of a lot more decent than you. Oh, and you left out will in Nanner = banana, tater = potato, mator = tomato. Lawrenceville Folks Southern Kitchen. How much southerner can you get? Yall goin over to Mamanems? We are going to visit whoever is at home, Mama, Daddy, etc. How about telling an asshole goodbye, Dont let the door bag you in the butt on the way out., I just have a few tidbits to add from Nebraska. It shares a lake with Canada, for crying out loud. They come out usually at night in July and they fly. Unsweetened tea should be illegal!!! Have you even been down here? Go to Burbon Street and look down. You DO know that they brought outrageously freezing temperatures to the South AS WELL AS virtually the rest of the country (or at least the Northeast and Midwest)!, **DONT** *YOU*? Im a southern girl, and i have been stopped many a time on the streets beacause of my southern beauty, charm, and accent. Other things: Y'all is a kind of second personal plural address that is one of the most characteristic features of Southern American English. Hes a waste of good air States Right. Or with a different accent? Then ya got downtown Atlanta and you better have a gun on ya cause theres a good chance ya could get robbed. My familys all from good ol Tennessee, and we use the sayin Thats just as fucked up as a football bat, just as much as supper instead of dinner like them white people up near Oregon say and shit. That dog wont hunt. It means that your excuse or story is not good. Y o u n e e d t o g e t y o u r a s s o f f t h e Also, I dont know if Dumb as a box of rocks is only a Southern saying, but I had a college roommate from South Georgia who used it all the time. Next time ask. You aint a true southerner, and you need a good whuppin to knock some sense into ya. Party Gravy: A puddle at any public celebration consisting of water, spilled spirits, glitter, and possibly bodily fluids. In Atlanta, the locals dont pronounce the street named in his honor in Spanish. Northeast Ohio, and yes, dumber that a box of rocks is said here, too. Lincoln had the Legislature and Government of Maryland locked up so they couldnt vote. .live a country lifestyle. 1. Im basing all these things on real life experiences, Ive lived in the South for a total of 27 years of my 53 years, so Im not just making blank statements. As a student at UGA who comes from a small, central Georgia town, I have been blown away by the number of people north of me (even in Georgia) who do not know what a gem clip is. I dont know if the line is in AL or central TN (bka Middle TN) or MS or LA, but the farther west you go and once you reach that aforementioned line, the pronunciation of pecan changes from PEE-can to puh-KAHN.. Cmon ken. But when I see the sun rise over the Blue Ridge Mountains and the fog burns off the hills and hollers Ive always call home I know theres no where else Id rather be. I humored em and wasnt a shallow ass bout it but I was made to feel ignorant on purpose. True Southerners that are raised right will go out of their way to make you feel welcome and at home. The reason we get defensive or resentful is because many Yankees move here and then start making fun of the way we do things. Bless your heart actually means-and take it from a true souther belle- aint he an idjit!. to inform them of the time this error occurred, Sure, this could mean puttering around, but Southerners also like to use it as an adjective, meaning something small or trivial (in a bad way). Although Im from PA- bordering WV, but still- and say most of these things (I also ask for Coke and get stuck with a Pepsi, and I always make my sweet tea for real, none of that packet foolishness!). Fucked up as a soup sandwich (or fucked up as a football bat). The idea that North Carolina isnt Southern is silly. I dont know but what this page is expired. typos: * when in Rome DO as the Romans do Oh, and btw since they STARTED the American Civil War, theyre gonna want to discuss this with you. There aint nobody got more n deepa southen roots then yours truly.
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