rootusrootus on April 15, 2020 The point is if you want to show hes wrong, you should show the error he made. [1], Martenson holds a PhD degree in pathology from Duke University in 1994 and an MBA degree from Cornell University in 1998. Heres my fact check of the fact checkers as a repurposed graphic: First, I try to reach out to the experts who are quoted in the fact checks to challenge me in a recorded debate. Aarons aim is to maintain alignment between the vision of Peak Prosperity, the business strategy, and its day-to-day operations. I NEVER bring him up in polite conversation, particularly forums like this, largely because I can't quite tell how he'd be received. Articles copied from Draft Namespace on Wikipedia could be seen on the Draft Namespace of Wikipedia and not main one. They relied on the. Wow. New statistics out by the CDC say the overwhelming majority of people have less than a .5% chance of dying from the CV19 virus. Greg Hunter - Dr. Chris Martenson holds a PhD in toxicology from Duke University and is a futurist and economic researcher. He asks in his title: What motivates a tech millionaire to fight against covid vaccines? Id have a lot more respect for him if was able to get that simple question right. Why does Dr. Anderson refuse to meet with us? Today's conversation with Chris covers the outbreak from a scientific perspective. Will you debate us in a recorded zoom call where you can answer all our questions? fine for parking in handicap spot in ohio. Basically, this nameless, faceless person claims that Crawford cherry picked data and that the excess death data doesnt line up with a deadly vaccine. Ryan Tiefen joined the Peak Team in 2022 after having discovered Chris and the Crash Course and subsequently joined the tribe, like so many others, in the heat of the Covid mayhem (2020). UCSF Professor Aditi Bhargava spoke as well and was censored. [8], The big story is this: The world has physical limits that we are already encountering, but our economy operates as if no physical limits exist. Have you fact checked all those first? How come the FDA and CDC outside committee members all turned down a $1M research grant just to talk to us for a few hours and answer questions? Whats his motivation for spreading misinformation (Answer: Chris is one of the rare scientists who takes a critical look at the data and is guided by the data and not what people say about the data.). Whats their motivation for all the fraud and deception? By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Unresolved: Release in which this issue/RFE will be addressed. Zero deaths, no credible reports in the scientific literature. We are eager to find out how we were fooled by all this data. many with huge elevations compared to baseline (previous vaccines). [9], Martenson was a writer for the liberal blog Huffpost. If the vaccines are so safe, then why did CDC insiders tip off a friend of mine in January not to get the vaccines? This turns the ovaries into a very large manufacturing plant to turn out toxic spike protein", "FDA experts reveal the Covid-19 Vaccines are killing at least 2 people for every 1 life they save". I just learned about this on Dec 1 at 11pm. REPLAY: December Peak Insider Live Q&A with Chris and Evie. And do you think it was right for. Martenson says the FDA just approved a Pfizer CV19 vaccine named Comirnaty, but the public is not getting it. ISBN 978-0-470-92764-9, Document:Murder And Mayhem In The Middle East,, Chris Martenson: The U.S. Economy Is 'Dangerously Close' To Experiencing Stagflation, Chris Martenson: Here Comes Inflation AND Deflation, Things Could Get Ugly If U.S. Treasury Bonds Keep Rising, Interview With Chris Martenson: "Prepare For peak Oil While There Is Time",, Pre-Order RFK's New Book with Dr Chris Martenson by RFK Jr The Defender Podcast RFK Jr The Defender Podcast By Robert Kennedy Jr Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is founder of Waterkeeper Alliance, as well as Founder, Chairman of the Board, and Chief Legal Counsel for Children's Health Defense. The VAERS data shows that the vaccines are killing at least 2 people for every life that they might save. In 2010, he predicted a new era of stagflation,[4] in which monetary inflation outpaces economic growth, or even simultaneous stagflation and deflation. Whoever wrote this fact check clearly spent a lot of time putting together his case. Think about it. Fast axonal transport is required for growth cone advance, The effect of acrylamide and other sulfhydryl alkylators on the ability of Dynein and Kinesin to translocate microtubules, Calmodulin dynamics within intact hippocampal cells, Inhibition of Lyn function in mast cell activation by SH3 domain binding peptides, Internal trafficking and surface mobility of a functionally intact beta 2-adrenergic receptor green fluorescent protein conjugate, Chris Martenson: The U.S. Economy Is 'Dangerously Close' To Experiencing Stagflation, Chris Martenson: Here Comes Inflation AND Deflation, Things Could Get Ugly If U.S. Treasury Bonds Keep Rising, Interview With Chris Martenson: "Prepare For peak Oil While There Is Time", YouTube playlist of Martenson's videos about the 2019-nCoV coronavirus, YouTube Creators Cash In on Coronavirus Fears, Chris Martenson, Duke University Libraries. If we are wrong about this, how did Ron figure it out on his own that the vaccines were nonsensical for every age group and get his paper published in a peer-reviewed medical journal? Dr. Martenson is the CEO of Prior roles spanned IT, sales, marketing, and operations, giving him a rich understanding of all major areas of the business. That would save lives. Chloroquine, a drug that has been used to prevent and treat malaria, has shown promise in being a potential treatment for the novel coronavirus sweeping the globe; Reaction and analysis from. No coverage. Thats the formal version, but heres the informal version in his own words: I think its important that you understand who I am, how I have arrived at my conclusions and opinions, and why Ive dedicated my life to communicating them to you. [6] He has recommended that consumers take steps to prepare themselves for "peak oil", after which he asserts that recovery of petroleum resources will decline. ), Ron Kostoff never talked to any of us prior to. This site requires JavaScript to run correctly. If the URF isn't 41, what is the true URF and did you calculate it using the CDC-approved methodology like we did? And what ties all these people together? In fact, most people report that there are at least 100X more events this year than previous years. They all decline or refuse to respond. No coverage. I tell you this because my extensive training as a scientist informs and guides how I think. The whole system needs to continue as it has for the last 40-50 years, but that's just not possible. Dr. Peter McCullough, one of the worlds most respected cardiologists, is appalled by this. Combining mission and passion, he now puts his logistics experience to work organizing our events, building partnerships, and growing our community into one that will help us thrive in what we all know is coming. The facts supporting both of these statements are pretty straightforward. Pfizer PROVED that VAERS is 5X underreported for myocarditis, and the CDC will not even acknowledge that? Heres is my latest attempt which I sent on December 5, 2021: Rather than address every point of every fact check, here is a checklist for things that a thorough fact checker should be able to answer, but cant or wont. If the vaccines are perfectly safe, then how can troponin, a measure of heart damage. Did he not subtract out sufficient number of background events? Why did all of these people suddenly become conspiracy theorists? (Answer: Its pretty simple actually; we all saw the corruption of science and want to save lives. We have people highly qualified to who have spent months analyzing the VAERS data. That can't be by chance can it? I seriously doubt it. He is the founder and editor of the website, as well as its popular video seminar, The Crash Course. This is really hard for many people to believe and accept. It was a clear case of vaccine caused death. Ive wanted someone to do that since 2016. Berenson and Kirsch hardly ever talk, yet came to the same conclusions about vaccines, that the NIH ignored early treatment, the lack of any science behind masking, the irresponsibility of mandates, etc. 2K views Streamed 2 years ago Dr. Martenson, the defamed and hated fearmonger is back at it. If the vax is so safe, why are there so many death entries in VAERS this year? ? Arent you concerned that the trials going forward are too underpowered to resolve any of these questions? Do you even know why Professor Bhargava transitioned to Emeritus at such a young age? It has not been retracted. Plant for Pollinators. There was an autopsy to prove it. There was an autopsy to prove it. Why does Dr. Chris Martenson make all these YouTube videos showing the vaccines don't work, masks don't work, etc. Will you debate us in a recorded zoom call where you can answer all our questions? So we were right and they were wrong. I can't tell. Do you think that is a normal reaction? January 20, 2022 48 min Download See all episodes CATEGORY: Society & Culture Share Dr. Chris Martenson- Deaths in New Zealand and Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche- UNFORGIVABLE SIN. If the vaccines are safe, how come Alex Berenson also thinks the vaccines are unsafe? Listen to this episode from Real Estate Espresso on Spotify. This page was last edited on 20 July 2020, at 09:25. Im not the bad guy here. ). The Lancet article was widely covered by all major media, but the NIH did nothing. He talks with your host, Dennis Tubbergen, about the three E's; Economy, Energy, and Environment, and his forecast for the future in these key areas. December 13, 2021 - In this special hour-long interview, Financial Sense Newshour welcomes Chris Martenson at Peak Prosperity to dissect the false narratives surrounding Covid, Covid treatments, the green energy transition, inflation, and more. How does he explain the results of Peter Schirmacher? . After: I am a 58-year-old who willingly terminated his former high-paying, high-status position (at 42) because it seemed like an unnecessary diversion from the real tasks at hand. Here is the Medium article. How come the CDC hasn't ascribed even a single death from the vaccines in light of Schirmacher's study? Lets do this as a Before and After. Survivors is an instant classic." - Brad Thor, #1 New York Times bestselling author "Rawles' Survivors is well worth reading. Bad luck? If Kirsch is wrong on his analysis, how come you cant point out where in his analysis he got it wrong? as determined in this fact check, then how is it, ? My children were homeschooled, and the big house in Mystic was sold in 2003 in preference for a modest homestead in rural western Massachusetts. I didn't share anything because I just couldn't tell, again, if it was overly alarmist or dead-on. A former scientist and Fortune 300 executive, he studies macro trends through his . Chris sits down with Dr. Scott Jensen, M.D., a successful family medicine/general practitioner and former Minnesota state senator, now running for the hotly contested Minnesota governor's seat this November. So isnt it more likely than not this is real? Why would Peter Doshi, associate editor of the BMJ, risk his reputation to question what is going on? and our In addition to filming and editing the Peak Prosperity show, Ryan is filming the goings on around Honey Badger Farms (as seen in Resilient Life), and hes working hands-on alongside Chris and Evie in an effort to bring Honey Badger up to its full potential, which we know will be of utmost importance in the times ahead. Both are part of the strategy advisory council for The Unity Project In 2008 he released YouTube videos he called The Crash Course divided into 19 short video chapters of problems in the nonsustainability of our economy, energy and environment. 18 Comments. Our fact checker writes in a second take down piece: For teenage boys, the myocarditis vs. covid risk gets closer, but getting covid is still worse by a factor of 6. Wow. Gavin could have doubled his net worth instantly by giving Kirsch a blank piece of paper. Hmmmm. Our economy requires growth. well-written and informative, and speaks with an honesty and bluntness often missing from the policy prognotications of the . And do you think it was right for GoFundMe to seize the funds he raised? (see The reporting sensitivity of the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) for anaphylaxis and for Guillain-Barr syndrome). Perhaps our friend can name one cardiologist who shows that myocarditis cases when down significantly after the vaccines rolled out. Isnt it unfair just to attack Kirsch? Why is the line slope going the wrong way in the Harvard study? There are huge number of people with elevated troponins after vaccination, 10X heart attack levels, and instead of quickly going back to normal, these levels are elevated for months. Basically, this nameless, faceless person claims that Crawford cherry picked data and that the excess death data doesnt line up with a deadly vaccine. Dr. Chris Martenson | FOI Released Australia Documents Revealed! If not, I'd suggest looking at the Crash Course as a starting point or hist youtube videos on Covid. More importantly, why did the press not cover it? : For teenage boys, the myocarditis vs. covid risk gets closer, but getting covid is, . Wow. Are these fact checkers willing to go through the cases one by one with Scott and our team and show us all how we got it wrong? The full report on Chris Martenson can be found in our famous Encyclopedia of Bozos, Hacks, Snake Oil Salesmen and Faux Heroes Here we present a brief overview of Martenson and his tactics to the general public, followed by a much more extensive analysis and expose for Members and Clients. Whoops!!!! ? Chris does a fabulous job of explaining connections between energy, economics, and the environment, and makes it clear why we, as a civilization, cannot continue "business as usual". Whoever wrote this fact check clearly spent a lot of time putting together his case. Kirsch just wants to save lives. I would argue if he cant get something simple like that out, that we should have a lot less confidence in anything else he says. If the fact checker uses a pseudonym, why cant you tell us what your name is? There should be been around 110 deaths in each group, right? Why are you not going after him? Dr. Chris Martenson is a pathology and toxicology expert who was a scientist and former corporate finance officer for Pfizer. Original Content; News Digest; Why did Taiwan report more deaths from the vaccine than from COVID? Keep up the good work. Wasnt it irresponsible for the CDC to recommend vaccination for pregnant women before the data was available? That said, again IMO, he was waaaaay out in front of this Corona Virus epidemic and pretty much correct about everything weeks before it popped up on Reddit, the news or in conversations with friends (he's the reason I was already stocked up on stuff three weeks ago, tbh). If you are The Gift of Fire, then please respond in the comments. (Answer: he was willing to risk his career to get the truth out), Why does Dr. Chris Martenson make all these YouTube videos showing the vaccines dont work, masks dont work, etc. Do you think that is a normal reaction? A bit hard to explain, dont you think? Largely, his appeal to me is that he stays away from rhetoric and just deals in data (or lack thereof) and tries to keep his message succinct, honest and accurate. interview. Listen on the go. Why does the CDC *REFUSE* to calculate and use the proper URF for VAERS when interpreting the safety data? Those are the most important. Why? With growth, jobs are created and debts are serviced. Our economy requires growth. They relied on the NEJM paper, which we finally convinced the NEJM that they were wrong (it took months). If not, why wont anyone talk about this? Dr. Chris Martenson is the author of the book The Crash Course, which, while written quite a few years ago, prophesized what's playing out today. Even at a URF of 1, these vaccines are still 40X more dangerous than smallpax (8500/220). If you think there is simply over-reporting in VAERS this year what is your actual evidence of that? From these experiences, I gather my comfort with numbers and finance. But Ive got an open invitation to do just that! Why are athletes dropping by a 60X rate after the vax rollout? Is he? The list of its authors can be seen in its historicaland/or the page Edithistory:Christopher Martenson. Why are there more adverse event reports this year than for every vaccine in the last 30 years combined? Can you buy one of the mainstream media outlets and put some real news on prime time? How do you explain that the biodistribution showing accumulation in the ovaries correlate with the high numbers of VAERS symptoms for menstrual problems many with huge elevations compared to baseline (previous vaccines). I gather data, I develop hypotheses, and I continually seek to accept or reject my hypotheses based on the evidence at hand. That's why we are here. What do I do if I decide not to leave the big city? Chris and Evie now live on a 180-acre rural property in western MA and love being close to natures bounty and beauty. Ron Kostoff never talked to any of us prior to his paper appearing in Toxicology Reports. Chris issued an important Alert! He is the cofounder of If the vaccine didnt cause death in VAERS, then how come there is a temporal association between vaccination date and deaths? Did you look at the autopsy report like our team member Peter McCullough did. Isnt that problematic? We get that. Learning and practicing all things Resilience along the way is his top missionhaving grown up without much exposure in the suburbs of Californiaand so he keeps plenty busy with the cows, chickens, pigs, and all else that the farm life demands. Is the data just not cooperating with the narrative? Im not the bad guy here. Perhaps you can reference an equally prominent cardiologist who will debate Peter on this? Also, there was a key opinion leader meeting January 2021 where the NIH, CDC, and FDA experts got on a call and voted that doctors should talk to their patients about fluvoxamine. Without growth, jobs, opportunities, and the ability to repay past debts simply and mysteriously disappear, causing economic pain and confusion. Whats going on? The NIH guidelines committee ignored the recommendation entirely; treated it as if it had never happened. Giu 11, 2022 | how to calculate calories per serving in a recipe. The easiest and most obvious one to go after is mask mandates. We see right through the rack checkers. Martenson compares the inexpensive off-patent Ivermectin to on-patent and EUA-approved Remdisivir, which comes with "25% severe side-effects." So as Martenson concludes, the "safety profiles aren't even remotely comparable." Such prompts one to ask why the FDA has approved Remdisivir for emergency use and not Ivermectin. (for the most part) name . [10] Pfizer PROVED that VAERS is 5X underreported for myocarditis, and the CDC will not even acknowledge that? 5 of them died from cardiac arrest! Wasnt there gaming in the Pfizer Phase 3 trials on adverse event reporting where people found it difficult/impossible to report AEs. Here we go. In 2008 he released YouTube videos he called The Crash Course divided into 19 short video chapters of problems in the nonsustainability of our economy, energy and environment. Instead you are targetting me. Why not pick on Del Bigtree? With growth, jobs are created and debts are serviced. Listen in to hear about how a remarkable young woman . How did Ernest Ramirez's 16 year old son die? Once I figured out that most of the (so-called) better colleges place effective teacher pretty much near the bottom of their list of characteristics that factor into tenure review, I switched gears, obtained an MBA from Cornell (in Finance), and spent the next ten years working my way through positions in both corporate finance and strategic consulting. John Su is using a URF of 1. P Narrative Keepers in a Panic! Resolved: Release in which this issue/RFE has been resolved. Dr. Chris Martenson - Alarming Signals in Pfizer Safety Data: Shocking Stats Uncovered. Shall we go through all 250 cases one by one? There are huge number of people with elevated troponins after vaccination, 10X heart attack levels, and instead of quickly going back to normal, these levels are elevated for months. What about Maddie de Garay? But he cant even get that one right. Ivermectin used for decades, adverse events reported only in the last two years. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); LnRiLWhlYWRpbmcuaGFzLWJhY2tncm91bmR7cGFkZGluZzowfQ==, LnRiLWNvbnRhaW5lciAudGItY29udGFpbmVyLWlubmVye3dpZHRoOjEwMCU7bWFyZ2luOjAgYXV0b30gLndwLWJsb2NrLXRvb2xzZXQtYmxvY2tzLWNvbnRhaW5lci50Yi1jb250YWluZXJbZGF0YS10b29sc2V0LWJsb2Nrcy1jb250YWluZXI9IjRkYjJlZTYwMGQ4NzFjNWUxOWEzMzU5NDUxYjIxOGMwIl0geyBiYWNrZ3JvdW5kOiByZ2JhKCAyNywgNTIsIDg2LCAxICk7cGFkZGluZzogMCAyNXB4IDAgMjVweDsgfSAud3AtYmxvY2stdG9vbHNldC1ibG9ja3MtY29udGFpbmVyLnRiLWNvbnRhaW5lcltkYXRhLXRvb2xzZXQtYmxvY2tzLWNvbnRhaW5lcj0iNGRiMmVlNjAwZDg3MWM1ZTE5YTMzNTk0NTFiMjE4YzAiXSA+IC50Yi1jb250YWluZXItaW5uZXIgeyBtYXgtd2lkdGg6IDE5NDBweDsgfSAud3AtYmxvY2stdG9vbHNldC1ibG9ja3MtY29udGFpbmVyLnRiLWNvbnRhaW5lcltkYXRhLXRvb2xzZXQtYmxvY2tzLWNvbnRhaW5lcj0iNGRiMmVlNjAwZDg3MWM1ZTE5YTMzNTk0NTFiMjE4YzAiXSBwIHsgY29sb3I6IHJnYmEoIDI1MywgMjUzLCAyNTMsIDEgKTsgfSAudGItZ3JpZCwudGItZ3JpZD4uYmxvY2stZWRpdG9yLWlubmVyLWJsb2Nrcz4uYmxvY2stZWRpdG9yLWJsb2NrLWxpc3RfX2xheW91dHtkaXNwbGF5OmdyaWQ7Z3JpZC1yb3ctZ2FwOjI1cHg7Z3JpZC1jb2x1bW4tZ2FwOjI1cHh9LnRiLWdyaWQtaXRlbXtiYWNrZ3JvdW5kOiNkMzhhMDM7cGFkZGluZzozMHB4fS50Yi1ncmlkLWNvbHVtbntmbGV4LXdyYXA6d3JhcH0udGItZ3JpZC1jb2x1bW4+Knt3aWR0aDoxMDAlfS50Yi1ncmlkLWNvbHVtbi50Yi1ncmlkLWFsaWduLXRvcHt3aWR0aDoxMDAlO2Rpc3BsYXk6ZmxleDthbGlnbi1jb250ZW50OmZsZXgtc3RhcnR9LnRiLWdyaWQtY29sdW1uLnRiLWdyaWQtYWxpZ24tY2VudGVye3dpZHRoOjEwMCU7ZGlzcGxheTpmbGV4O2FsaWduLWNvbnRlbnQ6Y2VudGVyfS50Yi1ncmlkLWNvbHVtbi50Yi1ncmlkLWFsaWduLWJvdHRvbXt3aWR0aDoxMDAlO2Rpc3BsYXk6ZmxleDthbGlnbi1jb250ZW50OmZsZXgtZW5kfSAud3AtYmxvY2stdG9vbHNldC1ibG9ja3MtZ3JpZC50Yi1ncmlkW2RhdGEtdG9vbHNldC1ibG9ja3MtZ3JpZD0iYTMzODRmYmRjNmZhNzE1ZDc2ZmU4NTAzNTdhNDFlYmQiXSB7IGdyaWQtdGVtcGxhdGUtY29sdW1uczogbWlubWF4KDAsIDAuMzM1ZnIpIG1pbm1heCgwLCAwLjY2NWZyKTtncmlkLWF1dG8tZmxvdzogcm93IH0gLndwLWJsb2NrLXRvb2xzZXQtYmxvY2tzLWdyaWQudGItZ3JpZFtkYXRhLXRvb2xzZXQtYmxvY2tzLWdyaWQ9ImEzMzg0ZmJkYzZmYTcxNWQ3NmZlODUwMzU3YTQxZWJkIl0gPiAudGItZ3JpZC1jb2x1bW46bnRoLW9mLXR5cGUoMm4gKyAxKSB7IGdyaWQtY29sdW1uOiAxIH0gLndwLWJsb2NrLXRvb2xzZXQtYmxvY2tzLWdyaWQudGItZ3JpZFtkYXRhLXRvb2xzZXQtYmxvY2tzLWdyaWQ9ImEzMzg0ZmJkYzZmYTcxNWQ3NmZlODUwMzU3YTQxZWJkIl0gPiAudGItZ3JpZC1jb2x1bW46bnRoLW9mLXR5cGUoMm4gKyAyKSB7IGdyaWQtY29sdW1uOiAyIH0gLndwLWJsb2NrLXRvb2xzZXQtYmxvY2tzLWdyaWQtY29sdW1uLnRiLWdyaWQtY29sdW1uW2RhdGEtdG9vbHNldC1ibG9ja3MtZ3JpZC1jb2x1bW49ImY1ODZmZjdiZmUxZDczMTdjNjMxNjJlYzdiNzAzOWVkIl0geyBkaXNwbGF5OiBmbGV4OyB9IC50Yi1maWVsZHMtYW5kLXRleHRbZGF0YS10b29sc2V0LWJsb2Nrcy1maWVsZHMtYW5kLXRleHQ9IjVmNTA2Yzg0ZTM4YzRjZjEwN2Q0YTYzNDlhNWE1ZjAzIl0geyBjb2xvcjogcmdiYSggMjUzLCAyNTMsIDI1MywgMSApOyB9IC50Yi1maWVsZHMtYW5kLXRleHRbZGF0YS10b29sc2V0LWJsb2Nrcy1maWVsZHMtYW5kLXRleHQ9IjVmNTA2Yzg0ZTM4YzRjZjEwN2Q0YTYzNDlhNWE1ZjAzIl0gcCB7IGNvbG9yOiByZ2JhKCAyNTMsIDI1MywgMjUzLCAxICk7IH0gLndwLWJsb2NrLXRvb2xzZXQtYmxvY2tzLWdyaWQtY29sdW1uLnRiLWdyaWQtY29sdW1uW2RhdGEtdG9vbHNldC1ibG9ja3MtZ3JpZC1jb2x1bW49ImNjNmU2MjI5ZWY5ODFjN2I5NDRmM2EwNDBhYmJmODEzIl0geyBwYWRkaW5nLXJpZ2h0OiAzMHB4O2Rpc3BsYXk6IGZsZXg7IH0gLnRiLWltYWdle3Bvc2l0aW9uOnJlbGF0aXZlO3RyYW5zaXRpb246dHJhbnNmb3JtIDAuMjVzIGVhc2V9LndwLWJsb2NrLWltYWdlIC50Yi1pbWFnZS5hbGlnbmNlbnRlcnttYXJnaW4tbGVmdDphdXRvO21hcmdpbi1yaWdodDphdXRvfS50Yi1pbWFnZSBpbWd7bWF4LXdpZHRoOjEwMCU7aGVpZ2h0OmF1dG87d2lkdGg6YXV0bzt0cmFuc2l0aW9uOnRyYW5zZm9ybSAwLjI1cyBlYXNlfS50Yi1pbWFnZSAudGItaW1hZ2UtY2FwdGlvbi1maXQtdG8taW1hZ2V7ZGlzcGxheTp0YWJsZX0udGItaW1hZ2UgLnRiLWltYWdlLWNhcHRpb24tZml0LXRvLWltYWdlIC50Yi1pbWFnZS1jYXB0aW9ue2Rpc3BsYXk6dGFibGUtY2FwdGlvbjtjYXB0aW9uLXNpZGU6Ym90dG9tfSAudGItaW1hZ2VbZGF0YS10b29sc2V0LWJsb2Nrcy1pbWFnZT0iM2U0YzM1NGNkMDk3MTVlZmRhYjUxYmZiMmIzZGViMDYiXSB7IG1heC13aWR0aDogMTAwJTsgfSAudGItaW1hZ2VbZGF0YS10b29sc2V0LWJsb2Nrcy1pbWFnZT0iM2U0YzM1NGNkMDk3MTVlZmRhYjUxYmZiMmIzZGViMDYiXSBpbWcgeyBwYWRkaW5nOiAwO21hcmdpbjogMDsgfSAudGItZ3JpZCwudGItZ3JpZD4uYmxvY2stZWRpdG9yLWlubmVyLWJsb2Nrcz4uYmxvY2stZWRpdG9yLWJsb2NrLWxpc3RfX2xheW91dHtkaXNwbGF5OmdyaWQ7Z3JpZC1yb3ctZ2FwOjI1cHg7Z3JpZC1jb2x1bW4tZ2FwOjI1cHh9LnRiLWdyaWQtaXRlbXtiYWNrZ3JvdW5kOiNkMzhhMDM7cGFkZGluZzozMHB4fS50Yi1ncmlkLWNvbHVtbntmbGV4LXdyYXA6d3JhcH0udGItZ3JpZC1jb2x1bW4+Knt3aWR0aDoxMDAlfS50Yi1ncmlkLWNvbHVtbi50Yi1ncmlkLWFsaWduLXRvcHt3aWR0aDoxMDAlO2Rpc3BsYXk6ZmxleDthbGlnbi1jb250ZW50OmZsZXgtc3RhcnR9LnRiLWdyaWQtY29sdW1uLnRiLWdyaWQtYWxpZ24tY2VudGVye3dpZHRoOjEwMCU7ZGlzcGxheTpmbGV4O2FsaWduLWNvbnRlbnQ6Y2VudGVyfS50Yi1ncmlkLWNvbHVtbi50Yi1ncmlkLWFsaWduLWJvdHRvbXt3aWR0aDoxMDAlO2Rpc3BsYXk6ZmxleDthbGlnbi1jb250ZW50OmZsZXgtZW5kfSAud3AtYmxvY2stdG9vbHNldC1ibG9ja3MtZ3JpZC50Yi1ncmlkW2RhdGEtdG9vbHNldC1ibG9ja3MtZ3JpZD0iZWYxOTM5N2E4MWRkMTdmMTllNWZjOGIyY2JjNjRhMDMiXSB7IGdyaWQtdGVtcGxhdGUtY29sdW1uczogbWlubWF4KDAsIDAuMzMzM2ZyKSBtaW5tYXgoMCwgMC4zMzMzZnIpIG1pbm1heCgwLCAwLjMzMzNmcik7Z3JpZC1hdXRvLWZsb3c6IHJvdyB9IC53cC1ibG9jay10b29sc2V0LWJsb2Nrcy1ncmlkLnRiLWdyaWRbZGF0YS10b29sc2V0LWJsb2Nrcy1ncmlkPSJlZjE5Mzk3YTgxZGQxN2YxOWU1ZmM4YjJjYmM2NGEwMyJdID4gLnRiLWdyaWQtY29sdW1uOm50aC1vZi10eXBlKDNuICsgMSkgeyBncmlkLWNvbHVtbjogMSB9IC53cC1ibG9jay10b29sc2V0LWJsb2Nrcy1ncmlkLnRiLWdyaWRbZGF0YS10b29sc2V0LWJsb2Nrcy1ncmlkPSJlZjE5Mzk3YTgxZGQxN2YxOWU1ZmM4YjJjYmM2NGEwMyJdID4gLnRiLWdyaWQtY29sdW1uOm50aC1vZi10eXBlKDNuICsgMikgeyBncmlkLWNvbHVtbjogMiB9IC53cC1ibG9jay10b29sc2V0LWJsb2Nrcy1ncmlkLnRiLWdyaWRbZGF0YS10b29sc2V0LWJsb2Nrcy1ncmlkPSJlZjE5Mzk3YTgxZGQxN2YxOWU1ZmM4YjJj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