There is honey, fire, and ichor in Mal's veins. Its undeniable that these two had sparks flying with their lack of personal space and flirty banter, and maybe that was just the Domas coming through, but I cant help but adore this ruthless and amazing couple. Also great job Soarin. Jay questioned, looking over to the white haired boy beside him. And once crossed, not a soul disputed what justice was customarily dished out. If I did, one I wouldn't be writing on AO3 (maybe), two Descendants would totally not be what you saw in the movies . "You guys have younger siblings? All except Mal and Holly, With Evie with Doug. And the paths we take can start a chain of events we could never imagine. Two additional Goblins came running to do her bidding. Previously called Older Brothers Because the Isle Gangs have figured out how to escape the barrier, and they're leaving. With parents lost in the good ole days, Mal and Uma have had to work miracles keeping the tentative peace between ruling villains. Mal and Ben have Defeated Maleficent and the Pirates of the Isle of the Lost are on the Lose! What if they choose goodness all by themselves? A story in which Mal runs away from Maleficent and we get to see how she would have turned out being raised by Hades. She exclaimed quietly, gaining the attention of the boys sitting across from her. (Alternate version) part 2 Ongoing What if Harry Hook secretly liked Carlos? Shes heartbroken over her breakup with Doug. You should go find her." Two isle kids can't sleep well in their new home. Now, he's back, and he's going to be remembered. A night between the two leads to them being parents of a baby girl named Harmony de Vil Hook. Dont forget. Are the kids truly good or will they always be rotten to the core? What happened? . Warnings: manipulation, descriptions of injuries and scars, descriptions of violence and blood, physical abuse, nightmares. Evie followed close behind, waving to her friends before catching up to the guard. Staff Little stories, headcanons, ideas, some author introspection, and other things that I have no time to write but wanted to share anyways. One that was cunning and full of tricks. I didn't know how to explain what I had heard. Rape was common, though generally frowned upon. Two years after Evie and Dougs ugly break up, Jay sought to reconnect in order to bring the Core Four back together. Descendants: The New VKs. The call scene is funny, I know. We both hated my mom. Ethan agreed, standing next to Marko. This story was made like back in 2017, and I was a pretty shit writer back then. When King Discord & Queen Celestia married, they brought all the lands together to call it United Nation of Equestria & sent all the villains in the land to a Isle separated from the main land. Mal X Carlos [This is cringe- please don't read.] They set up a movie night where they show the graphic details of their lives on the isle. Total duration One that can slip between the cracks unnoticed. "Uh, okay. Descendants- A Mistake Fanfiction. This is a parody based on Disney's Descendants. a more realistic telling of Descendants I, in which magic has more of an effect and traumatised teens behave as traumatised teens. SEQUEL TO DUPLICITY. "Maybe they didn't. Rated M currently for coarse language and future mature content. Evie twirled her blue locks of hair as she laughed along with Ben, who was wearing his usual uniform. So heres a Descendants fanfic dedicated to them, and to Harry showing Mal that she doesnt have to change or pretend to deserve love. #trueloveskiss. Archer here. I think ye will be mine now I wipe my face of any stray tears. He stands there in shock as I cry, then a look of rage comes across his face. He storms over to me and takes hold of my shoulders. How different would Mal story be if she never fall in love with Ben? I have never seen that side to dad before. Jay shrugged. There was only one path for the thi- second born royal daughter. Kor her fathers name for her echoes through her mind as she exhales. Over in Auradon, Mal stood before Carlos, Jay, and Evie. Rather than bringing the Isle children over for high school, Ben's Isle Initiative selected four students to attend Auradon University alongside him and various other royals for four years. Unlike most VK's Holly and Hades get along Harmony is one of the 5 kids from Isle of the Lost. Tell her nothing for all I care. Chat! A bit of a fast-forward to a few months after adopting Hazel, now Raylla find themselves entangled in something much bigger scope.The closer they get to the truth of Hazel's parents' death, the more dangerous it gets. She feels the power of the dead at her feet. A Sparkle's Little Dusk II: The Shining Path. Carlos said as the rest nodded. You'll know what's wrong soon enough. Thievery was a fact of life. "Couldn't sleep either?" Mal loves Evie. Harrys not sure what he expects will happen upon receiving a royal invitation to a castle - and not just anybodys castle, but the Sleeping Beautys castle - to receive one free wish from the three goodier-than-good fairies as a prize he apparently won. Evie likes Harry. Fairy Godmother (Disney) One year ago Evie, Jay, and Mal left for Auradon. Also Carlos and Fairy Godmother's kid romance in the second one. Their laws are not right. In a bid to broker peace with the magical community, Adam decides to accept Dumbledore's offer to house some students for the year at Hogwarts. More aware of the world. Mal has been fading away after so much time being forced to deny who she really is, when Harry shows up will he be able to get over the hurt shed caused? Not PG 13 but it just goes more into detail than the shows about abuse and the horrors of the Isle. "Yes, yes. Underneath her tongue, in her bones and her teeth. the woman stated, making the siblings share a look. When he banished all villains to the Isle of the Lost, he also took all children to be raised good and pure in Auradon. Ben/Mal (Disney: Descendants) Li Lonnie/Audrey Rose; Characters: Jay (Disney) Carlos de Vil; Gil (Disney: Descendants) . It is cut off from the rest of the world and is surrounded by an enchanted force field to keep all the island's devious inhabitants from . I smile again. You seem to have javascript disabled, or your browser is failing to execute it properly. What if Mal had an identical twin sister and she had forgotten about it along with her mother? It thrums in her blood. You managed to ruin everything! In the back of her mind, it bothered Mal that she had to rely on her mother to scare everyone off. "I can and will never forget about you, Marko." "My little brother, Marko, is by himself." In her mother's absence Mal has risen to power and is now Queen of the Isle and she's not satisfied. Um, I guess we will see you guys later then." There's so many ways to be wicked. Long live evil! Designed and coded by knighty & Xaquseg - 2011-2023, Privacy I throw my bag on the ground and collapse onto the bed with a sigh. I have been keeping this secret from him since Ben and I started dating." "Hey, talk to me. Licenses, Support us Rotten Core Four. Twilight seems to be feeling conflicted: on one hand she wants to make her mother proud, but on the second she knows that what she is doing is wrong. "He's good. How will she be without her father for the very first time? The golden haired prince explained, making Carlos' face light up in understanding while Jay let's out a dragged put 'oh'. She was about to let herself in and drag Jay out by his hair, when she stopped. Rainbow Dash and Soarin. if he can grab the bread from under your nose, hes earned it. Ben said, getting up. The villain kids in Auradon have younger siblings. Typical cryptic faerie behavior, exploration of the Maleficent (2014) film with the ending changed for obvious reasons, and Mal realizing the lines between man and immortal. In a bid to broker peace with the magical community, Adam decides to accept Dumbledore's offer to house some students for the year at Hogwarts. Mal, Evie, Jay, and Uma are invited, and all four accept for their own reasons. A large bruise covered her left jawbone, and she has a black eye on her right eye. Mal is in love with one of her best friends Carlos who she can't be with due to love being forbidden on the Isle and Villains don't get their happily ever after but all that changes when she is chosen to go Auradon Prep with her three best friends.A popular Descendants fanfic on and Wattpad is now available on AO3. "Not helping." Jay gushed sarcastically, making Evie glare at him. You didn't know? What if Mal never spelled Ben? What if she wasn't chosen to go to Auradon with Mal? Oh, Anita dear~ his mother sang. Mal thinks back to the night before they were taken to Auradon. When they're older, an attack by a vampire changes a few things for them. Then, she began to set up her sewing equipment on the table. Memories resurface and problems occur as his friends try to help him to the best of their abilities. "Evie keeps having these strange dreams, and in each one there is this mystery girl with purple hair and glowing green eyes." And perhaps more shockingly a father, having two daughters, Evie and Mal, whom he'd give the world to. I grin up at him. "No she didn't. You are fae. They were figuring out how to tell Ben about their younger siblings. Harry likes Evie. I don't own Disney Descendants or the song "Fighter" , What if Carlos and Evie were left on the Isle while Mal and Jay moved to Auradon? Uma, Daughter of Ursula. To be fair-she was only a six-year-old girl that can do no better. TW: trauma and abuse. Mal is the most effected the magic seeps into her pores and her eyes flash bright green, her horns having been small barely there stumps on the isle start growing. She's completely useless anyway." Just study hard, relax and youll get through them. Never thought someone would make an attempt on his fathers life. . Red sky in the morning, sailors warning. This is good. I stare down at my boot clad feet. And I, Maleficent, queen of all things evil, will rule with my daughter by my side and I will be unstoppable.". Carlos grows up on the Isle becoming better at stealing, being less shy.What happens when Ben goes against rules and secretly visits the Isle with Evie Mal and Jay to talk to her father.What if Ben gets lost and gets chased through the market only to be found by a certain white haired boy? Ben said with a confused look on his face. This is huge. I look up at him. Your Promises are always fulfilled. . Dad's place looked like an old mining place. I can feel the "magics" of this story! Now he hates me, too. Please consider turning it on! She wouldn't even look at me for a week. His escape could lead to the closing of the barrier angering Holly beyond belief. A little sister that no one off the island knew existed. Is all he says and Mal hums. The core four came up with a way to hopefully convince the citizens of Auradon to accept the isle kids. The other three smirked before they ran out with Jake. "Why didn't you say something sooner?" We all know the story of the Descendants of the Villains and Heroes. Twenty years later, the children of the Main four villains : Nightmare Moon, Chrysalis, King Sombra & Gaia Everfree, come together & become the best of . And Mal, well, she has the ability to change that. Guess I forgot that you had left a comment (how stupid of me). Told in a series of non-chronological drabbles. When he banished all villains to the Isle of the Lost, he also took all children to be raised good and pure in Auradon. After the events at King Ben's coronation, all of the four are struggling to adjust in a new world. It was strange, in a cold, horrifying way, to hear Jay, her solid, steady, unmoving right hand, let out a quiet, strangled, desperate sob.". )Eleven: sneak up on them. if he sleeps on the rug instead of in the damp streets, its because hes earned it. With Maleficent shrink to a lizard, Marko, Mal's little brother, is left without a parent. What lengths will he go to show it? Only a twit would believe that's how this or any world works. Harrys not sure what these fairies want, but hes starting to suspect its not giving him his own ship. Your word is truth. Stupid, stupid, stupid. The suspense was very effective. What if Mal had a plan all along regarding Auradon and the Isle? While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Where in that combination is there room for true love?. Mal only has three real friends which are Carlos, Evie and Jay who she been friends with since her childhood due to all their parents being friends and they all team up together to come up with idea to get off this prison cell. I see Evie, Jay and Carlos standing behind her with equally concerned expressions to the one she wore. One day, each of them received a message that read: Run back to where you came from! Jafar had always had a soft spot for me. how can you teach a dog to bite, then punish it when it does? Mal and Audrey is the frenemy ship between Mal, the daughter of Maleficent and Hades, and Audrey, the daughter of Aurora and Phillip. Murder garnered the highest respect. Evie whispered. Getting villain kids over was a slow process, and Evie could work faster in the isle itself. Twitter, MLP: Friendship is Magic - 2023 Hasbro Inc. Ben questioned, making Evie nod. This is a great opportunity." I respect your opinions. But why should the fate of the world forever fall on the shoulders of children? Carlos is shocked to hear from Fairy Godmother that he has a twin. Mal shouldve listened when she had the chance. I laugh a little and tug at my dark blue hair. If only you knew, I think as I walk away. If I am to be honest, I did not see this coming at the beginning of the story, but romance is all well and good. Cookies It will explore life before, during, and after all three movies. Mal and her thoughts, before Auradon Prep's summer vacation. And not all of them, good. Follow us 92.8K 2.1K 32. She is the only child daughter of Hades and . Unluckily f #auradon She grows up on the Isle not knowing this power, not feeling her birthright, unjustly removed. "What's up?". We'll take the world by storm and they will pay for locking us up here." Jake nodded. Disclaimer: I do NOT own Descendants. "It was anger, not worry, that steered her feet to the Junk Shop. He decides that he is goin Six months after Bens coronation and the discovery of the prophecy the VK's are settling into life pretty well together. #jay She would find out soon why I was so upset. I hadn't even known who our dad was when I had been at Curl up and Dye helping out Dizzy out on a busy day. Mal exclaimed. Maleficent (portrayed by Kristin Chenoweth ), from Sleeping Beauty, is Mal's . Red sky at night, sailors delight. Long lost Princess of Crystal Empire. One that can slip between the cracks unnoticed. Writer & Editor. Queen Belle (portrayed by Keegan Connor Tracy ), from Beauty and the Beast, is the former queen of Auradon, King Beast's wife, and Ben's mother. Also as of now, not beta-d. Also I really think this should go without being said, but I do not own Descendants, nor any of the other properties in this fanfic. Admin @ Female Writers & Please Read My Story! sorry, if you've seen this plot done before. (Disney), A Villain Kid Love Story (Marlos and Bevie), Evil Queen & Jafar & Maleficent & Cruella de Vil, Ben/Chad Charming/Doug/Jane/Li Lonnie/Audrey Rose, Ben & Doug & Jane & Li Lonnie & Carlos De Vil & Evie & Jay & Mal, Aziz/Ben/Doug/Evie/Jane/Jay/Mal/Carlos de Vil, Beast & Belle & Evie & Jay & Mal & Carlos de Vil, Snow White (Disney) & Original Child Character(s), Anita (101 Dalmatians) & Roger (101 Dalmatians) & Carlos de Vil, Original Child(ren) of Anita and Roger (101 Dalmatians), Original Child(ren) of Prince and Snow White (Disney), Anti-Magic Laws in United States of Auradon (Disney), Isle of the Lost (Disney) is a Terrible Place, Ben & Audrey Rose Friendship (Disney: Descendants), Minor Ben/Audrey Rose (Disney: Descendants), Alternate Universe - Descendants (Disney Movies) Fusion, take the light inside you like a blessing (like a knee in the chest), if i could crawl inside your bones itd be a different kind of home, im bad behaviour but I do it in the best way, isle teens think and behave like isle teens, you were burned, about to burn, or still on fire, evie & jay & mal & carlos de vil & ben & harry hook & uma, when you are young they assume you know nothing, The Swift Tides of Auradon and the Isle (TSwift x Descendants). Not just any nightmares. One that was cunning and full of tricks. "We need to get them off that island.". [Update : 13/02/2022] Thank you to all who read my story as my story has 1,235 views! It has slowed down and I was complaining about mom and saying how much I hated her. Descbrelo ahora. Mel? Taking place in the second Descendants movie. They promised to get him of this hell hole when they got the wand, but then they choose good and forgot about him.Leaving him alone on the isle, alone with his insane mother.But in the end he had to thank them, because he wasn't the scared little boy they left anymore, they made him fighter. What would she Nelani (NEY-LA-NEE) was treated bad. Work Search: Sort by: Hot. "Another beating?" Mal and Evie try to get their Magic and Alchemy clubs up and running. You stay here. "We just can't. I think I also got the movie wrong, but I think this is the type of crossover where the characters are replaced right? "Are you thinking about Mal again, Marko?" My take on the dynamics of the Core 4, and between Mal and Jay. M-mom? Carlos started to say, but Cruella cut him off, crossing the room in huge steps, grabbing his neck, pushing him into the stove, the oil burning his hand as he let go of the frying pan. But, when she goes to AuradonTheir politics are not right. 5-year-old Annabella De' La Cruz was in an accident with her dear mother only to come ou She wasn't looking for redemption. At some point. Or: In which Mal is the unwilling leader who's really good at her job, Evie and Carlos actually use their genius brains, Jay has a lot of friends, and the other kids on the Isle actually get OFF the Isle. Harry x Carlos and maybe incest between Diego and Carlos). There's honestly no way to ease into it." WHy can't she see that?" You all will." Donde viven las historias. Umas eyes narrow and she completes her vow, I Promise.. Or Bal, Jaylos and Huma compete for Evies affections. Who even knows who Jay, Carlos, and Uma like? When a trip to the isle exposes this punishment, will Ben reconsider the kids banishment. And new Nations are on the Rise. The interaction between Nightmare Moon and her daughter is just so intense. What happens when our parents get out, huh? You are half goddess. #love Furthermore now Twilight will have to choose between her affection for Flash and her loyalty to her mother. And Queen Leah, Queen Leah has her own plans to enact. Fairy Godmother (portrayed by Melanie Paxson ), from Cinderella, is the principal of Auradon Academy, and Jane's mother. One that could never seem to keep her temper in check and was always causing trouble for everybody. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (11), The Isle of the Lost Series - Melissa de la Cruz (3), Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937) (1), Evie & Jay & Mal & Carlos de Vil as Found Family (6), Isle of the Lost is a Terrible Place (Disney) (5), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Evie & Jay & Mal & Carlos de Vil as Found Family, Original Child(ren) of Ariel and Eric (Disney), (If you can call it politics at all in the Isle), United States of Auradon is Not Perfect (Disney), The Isle of the Lost Series - Melissa de la Cruz, Isle of the Lost is a Terrible Place (Disney), It's them getting ready for the coronation, VK(s) | Villain Kid(s) (Disney: Descendants), Ruler of Auradon Ben (Disney: Descendants), This is honestly kinda all over the place, Rotten 4 + Ben, Polyamorous Like They Should Have Been, lucks never been on our side (but maybe this time it is), Quote: We don't really have dating on the island. #evie I feel Mal's hands go to my arms as she pulls me over between two tents. Their parents have a special punishment for them teaching them to be more evil and rotten. Please consider turning it on! Featuring pirate shenanigans, a village of kids with no adult supervision, and an actual explanation for all of the Isle kids who only have a single parent. Harry Hook x Reader OneShots . But when Carlos sees them on TV as heros, he feels betrayed and ran. I can and will never forget about you, Marko. Marko asked as he examined Jake's face. #different "Hey, guys. Complete. What if the pair come across Uma and her crew? What's wrong?". if he can steal your necklace, hes earned it. "They probably think that we forgot about them." One that could never seem to keep her temper in check and was always causing trouble for everybody. she said, but a smile graced over her lips. 9319817Sorry for replying very late! "When will we get our shot?" I turn and start walking into it. "So, have any more dreams?" This is good. . The two most shipped pegasuses in MLP are my favorite pair in Defendants. #theflowers Me Carlos is having nightmares. Its not like we get a kingdom to rule over or a pass to live our own lives.. When I was reading crossover I thought they and the other characters existed here. Never let anyone hold something over you. Mal her mothers voice says as she breathes in and closes her eyes. "Yeah, they will." I steal, I cause trouble, I haven't gone to school in years, I prank people and they end up hurt, I get in fights, I jump people. Special thanks to Sunsetsjournal for reviewing my story & helping me improve my story! Polyamory. Evie was wearing a blue dress and an apple necklace with fishnet leggings and combat boots. She asks. Did you enjoy the story? "You know what, Jay's right. The kids from Auradon Prep realize why Mal is so mature. Two for every letter of the alphabet. King Adam has made a few mistakes in his lifetime, one of them being worse than the rest. That only made Mal sigh louder. Warning: Mentions of abuse, self-harm, and suicidal thoughts Third and Final of Broken System of the United States of Auradon. The Isle of the Lost is an Island prison that appears in the Descendants fanchise. They feel their deep magic finally flowing freely through them. "Yeah, bet Marko, too." He wasn't interested in salvation. Problems, however, are rarely so easily resolved. Part 1 Completed witch." Evie and I went back to our own room, leaving the boys to play their game in silence. Younger Siblings (Disney Descendants) Fanfiction. Ben said as he walked into the empty classroom. As she got onto the enormous boat, Mal found a young boy passed out on the deck. I would love to see everyone's takes on these!). I can't believe it." Finale - Rewrite - POYW - Harry Hook x reader (D3 Rewrite), Original Child(ren) of King and Queen of Hearts (Disney), its been 3 and a half years since D1 rewrite, at least thats what people have told me about her lol, theres like-one part of it thats simular to canon and everything is just different, Hades (Disney: Hercules)/Maleficent (Disney), The Isle of the Lost Series - Melissa de la Cruz, United States of Auradon (Disney) Is Not Perfect, Isle of the Lost (Disney) is a Terrible Place, No relationships yet but setting up early attraction, Because why compress things into one week when 4 years offers so many more options, Ben wasn't crowned at 16 because that is the worst idea ever christ, I'm doing 22 so still young but not an actual teenage king, Ben & Evie & Gil & Harry Hook & Jay & Mal & Uma & Carlos de Vil, If I Listed This Last Relationship It Would Be Spoiling, Ben Knows More Than He Lets On (Disney: Descendants), Evie & Jay & Mal & Carlos de Vil as Found Family, Because I find is kinda silly Jafar isn't a Djinn in the movies. "No, Ben. This story will be five parts. I will be going with you, so gather your friends." Mal nodded quickly and jumped to her feet before running out the door to run almost completely into Evie, Jay and Carlos. He feels something like jealousy flush through him before he pushes it down.
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