When you are deciding whether to upgrade your plant capacity, time is an essential factor. You basically do the same thing over and over again, for every decision round. My team and I started the game with minimal knowledge and flailed for the first three decision rounds. While being in every market is a goal of a successful multinational company. However, to be able to do so, you need available capacity. Selecting the members that will form your team is very crucial as you will be working together to ensure the success of your company. This is because your competitors are adjusting and trying to find their strategy. thank you:). Okay. Use of my strategy creates a landslide effect that, as you can see, is very devastating to all opponents. Then, just like you did before, plug in different values for your internet price and see, which price yields the highest net profit. I have encountered two successful strategies so far: medium-quality shoes (S/Q rating of 5-6 stars) paired with high number of models (250-350 models) and high-quality shoes (S/Q rating of 8-10 stars) paired with low number of models (50 models). Here, you are treated like a star. Players must make decisions to build brand loyalty by improving . PS: I do the 5-year-loan 12,000k in Y11 (7% interest); In year 12, I paid #1 Long-Term (early payment) 12k at 8.2% AND borrow 70,000k 5-year-loan at 4.5%. However, you can successfully apply most of the following tips to either strategy. However, after 3-4 years, your competitors will settle and changes will be more predictable. Be careful: Sometimes, especially for advertising, numbers that are way off (for example $100 and $8,000) can yield about the same net profit with only a little difference. Looking at the North America column, you now have to plug in your values for Wholesale Price, S/Q Rating, Models Available, etc. Skip the fancy words so many other guides drone on about BSG, andget down to real execution of business strategy. These are the tools you need to win BSG. NEVER do this. This also means that players have a limited number of options which creates a glass ceiling and sets the tone for the rest of the game.The first years of a Business Strategy Game is fairly fragile and any major mistakes will leave permanent scars. You need your capacity and it is never a good idea to sell your existing capacity. It is important to toggle your values and find the best combination to maximize your net profit. Emerging on top of this simulation can be quite a challenge. It took me years to learn this and it would take you years as well but,I know you dont have years. The company that offers the lowest price will sell all its supply first, followed by the company with the second lowest price offered, and so on. You need this capacity for the private-label market. you should repurchase stock whenever you can. Economic Stages Part Three Riding the Recession, Glo-Bus Quiz 1 and Glo-Bus Quiz 2 Answers, New Glo-Bus Cameras and Drones Simulation, Instant Download,Email Support &Forum Access. Its a lot of trial and error until you find the best possible value and it takes a lot of time at the beginning. Im an excel and math geek and started to break the game down and understand it on a deep level. You now need the forecasted Regional Sales Volume for both the Internet Segments and Wholesale Segments in all four regions that you wrote down earlier. Try out each and every value and note down the highest net profit values. Every single member should be given the venue to express their thoughts clearly. I know every strategy, secret, and tip you can possibly imagine about the Business Strategy Game, and Im willing to share them with you. Strategies, decision screens, reports and tests. This is why building additional capacity is so important. This decision page deals with your plants. construction cost to be financed with debt. Let me walk you through the various decision pages and explain you how to optimize each entry. If Im wrong, Ill post another comment. Magic Year 11 Secrets Revealedgives you exclusive access to a tried, tested and provenlegitimatebase method for stuffing approximately $50,000 Net Profit in your first year. $50.66 but $50.67 gives you higher profits, go for the higher prices. I suggest you upgrade your browser. On initial input of the change there was a big boost to my numbers, but when I left the page the game suddenly dropped my numbers below my original ones. Aim for a higher credit rating of B+ or above. Learn tips & tricks, from a BSG Grand Master! Which is better, cost leadership, integration, or differentiation? If I have cash available after doing all my decisions, I like to alternate between building additional capacity, purchasing plant upgrades, paying off loans and repurchasing stock in the following years. Do not worry about those numbers, they will just show you whether your investment is profitable or not. Important: Your Sales volume, not the production volume that includes the rejected pairs! Help, hints, tips, and strategy for The Business Strategy Game (Thompson & Stappenbeck) which will greatly improve your game performance. Currently, were selling 150 models. That combined will give you a good boost for the last year. This will enable you to tap into the different unique abilities of each of the members thus strengthening your team. Heres What You Get in The Ultimate BSG Solution Monster Package: The Ultimate BSG Solution Guide was written by an old established BSG Grand Champion. Virtonomics. I wish you the best of luck for your game. Strategies, decision screens, reports and tests. . 7 Winning Tips and Strategies for the Business Strategy Game (Bsg I recommend building additional 1,000 capacity for the North American plant in the first year, if your cash balance allows it. So I doubt on his strategy. While your regional sales volume for the internet segment is a good estimate, the estimates for the wholesale segments are not. In the upper left box, you have available sources of additional cash. Then, after a lot thought on the matter, I devised an easy method for taking full advantage of currency fluctuations. You dont have to care about your retail outlets anymore so adjust the price so maximize your net profit, without the 40% rule. As a company wants to be in every market, it will be important to . Advantage of this is, that you dont have to pay too much attention to your competitors. If you have any questions, suggestions, or comments feel free to comment and I will do my best to help you out. Purchasing capacity is 20% cheaper than building new capacity on your own. Here is a chart again tho show you the process: If your regular production capacity is not sufficient, use overtime. It only takes 10-15 minutes to put the numbers in the right spotsto make yourself an Industry leader. As I keep reading online about different strategies to win, there are some postings that are aligned with the strategy of low quantity of models offered at a high quality and keep increasing capacity. Business Strategy Game Espanol (Spanish BSG Help ), Ayuda En Espanol Para La Simulacion Glo-Bus (Spanish Glo-Bus Help), Business Strategy Game En Franais/French, En Franais Business Strategy Game Assistance (French BSG Help), Business Strategy Game In Het Nederlands/Dutch, In Het Nederlands Business Strategy Game Help (Dutch BSG Help), Business Strategy Game Auf Deutsch/German, Business Strategy Game Auf Deutch Assistenz (German BSG Help). A free section gives the casual reader some tips and tricks in class and a paid guide for people who are behind and need to catch up or students who want to save themselves the headache and win. The BSG tends to underestimate those values by about 20% and hence, you need to correct them for a more precise estimate. Hi there! However, when pricing your shoes, keep in mind to set the price at least $5 below the wholesale price average. PS: I left a comment, but I did not see it and thus retyped. I dont understand why it did this as this capacity was unused and there was upside to having it as my production was max out for the demand. You have successfully adjusted to your competitors. It has two components. Do you have any suggestions? Like I already said in my previous post, the most important thing is to toggle each and every value and pay close attention to your net profits. I have placed this manual and an easy-to-use currency spreadsheet on this site for you. Business Strategy Game (BSG) Helpful Tips!!! - YouTube Start off with the values that you know for sure: For the high quality, low models strategy, I recommend starting off with a S/Q rating of 7 stars and 50 models available. So your costs will be relatively low as well and the private label will be a very important factor of yours. Promise I wont have tons of question haha. If you demand for branded production is met, put everything else into private label to make sure you dont have unused capacity. First, set your Number of Models to 50, as determined earlier at the Sales Forecast page. Hey!! Who Else Wants to Win Business Strategy Game? | BSGTips Strategy 1 - Align simulation with learning objectives. This enhances the marketing efforts for the brand. Celebrities will enhance your marketing efforts and help you sell more shoes. The BSG Ultimate Solution isTHE ONLYGUARANTEEDone-way ticket to winning the BSG. Unused capacity kills your numbers and profits! However, try your best. I am in a box where every move I make to lower cost or shift production lowers my EPS or credit rating. The most important advice in advance: it is all about PROFIT. The market share, which can be increased by: increased advertising, extensive market research, checking out the competition, and most importantly understanding the needs of your customers. But this year I have a lot of cash on hand, I upgraded my plant, should I also build the LA plant although I dont need that much capacity at the moment? Here are a few things to give you confidence in us: Our guide & coaching took every customer to 1st or 2nd place utilizing the guide. Order now. With increased competition, prices tend to decrease. Two of the most important things to do here are analyzing your competition and optimizing your values. I let the rest remain the same in the entry. The information is these guides is laid out, and displayed, in such a way . You can either take out a 1-year, 5-year, or 10-year bank loan. Again, try out each percentage for each region and set it to the percentage that yields the highest profits. You will get the hang of it after the first few decision rounds as it is always the same procedure. Dave Mar More than often they drone on and on about BSG, to the point, its barely relevant toimpress you with abunch of words. gorilla on your side. Now, decide to which region you want to ship your private-label shoes. Two decision rounds later, I was ranking 3rd in the world. You always want to make sure that you produce your sales volume for N.A. What is this Currency Made Easy! Optimizing your values is the essence of the game, even though it might be very time-consuming. By employing the best cost strategy. However, keep in mind that your regional endorsement value should not be higher than 400 in any region. If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or feedback, click on my name below and Ill respond to you as quickly as I can. So do you mean although we sell exactly same shoes it does not matter even my rivals price is lower than mine so long as i can maximize my profit? Your estimate of the industry average for the internet retail price does not change with your adjusted competitive that you set to +2% before. Dont blindly waste recourses on a celebrity tag; be strategic to make sure you will get the return on investment. Both The Ultimate BSG Solution Guide as well asThe BSG video guide were created by a BSG Grand Champion.Together, you will have all the information you need to not just win the BSG, but to DOMINATE.You get Exclusive VIP access to our secret forum area. Most Industry competitorsarentable to replicate high results when they face tougher opponentsand have asimpleunderstanding of the Business Strategy Game. If after putting the above measures in place and your image rating lowers, consider increasing the S/Q of the shoes and indulging more in corporate citizenship behaviour. (In Y11, I did the 5-year loan with 12,000k (7% interest). I will explain soon, how to increase plant capacity and why we need the capacity for private label. Thats the highest achievement you can attain. Ideally, you can cut your employees wages and will increase profit. I recommend having a pen and piece of paper next to you so you can write down your net profit and compare when plugging in different values. unfortunately I have no experience with adjusting to my strategy in the late-game. Displaying corporate citizenship in a responsible and socially acceptable manner for not less than 4 years. Start Here: The Business Strategy Game Guide Site Map I did not forget it, but we will take a look at it later. Business Strategy Game Cheats I Best BSG Game Cheats 2022 Our final score was 99 and the closest team to us scored a 74!Out of a total of 11 teams, 7 of them scored below 40! Most of the decisions you can make here are a waste of money and will not benefit your company. This manual provides actual numbers to use as guidelines, has many examples from real games, and should make your life so much easier than mine was! Everyone has the same advantage as the team next to them. This is my personal procedure that has led me to become Grand Champion and nothing on the web can compare to my precision perspective of BSG. 6 Effective Business Simulation Games Teaching Strategies This game can be overwhelming, so anything to help other players! Ive turned dead-last severely bankrupt companies into Industry Champions with just two years left in the game. Here, you have the opportunity to sell your existing capacity. When coming up with a CSR initiative, ensure that the budget can be sustained over time without burdening the company. I guarantee or your money back (with a 100% success rate so far) you'll win the game with the purchase of the guide. Instantly Jump Your Business Strategy Game Score 10 Points for FREE! I adjusted a little bit and the forecast is now close to previous years. However, the private-label market is set up the way that only a limited demand is given each year. As a Business Strategy Game Grand Champion, I have been responsible for burying many Industry Champion competitors and I have to say, its not hard. According to the change, you can estimate the next years average industry internet price and plug it in. Taking up stock offering is a cheaper alternative to loans in case of an expansion, but caution should be practised as this move might lead to a drop in the cost of the EPS. This is where consumers get the best quality of footwear at the lowest possible price, therefore ensuring value for their money. There should be a balance. Fin. The closer your actual numbers are to your estimates, the more likely it will be that you earn bonus points from the Bulls Eye Award (be within a 5% range of the estimates). Free shipping will most likely not increase your profits. Learn how your comment data is processed. Turn delivery time to four weeks because it has no noticeable effect on sales but significantly affects EPS and Net Profit. "In terms of scope and comprehensiveness, it has no equal in the world of business . At the same time, youll generate significant amounts of income from the hardest market to extract revenues from. Ive played the Business Strategy Game many times through and have completely dominated my opponents every single round of every single game. I am in Y12, and I am adjusting for Y13. Please post any information pertaining to: strategies, tips, final presentations, case studies, quizzes, etc. From the desk of: a Business Strategy Game Grand Champion. Be objective in your approaches from the beginning of the simulation right to the end. Yes, despite your competitors building capacity as well, I recommend increasing capacity in a reasonable amount. It is usually best to repurchase stock at the beginning, when your stock prices are relatively low. I personally find it easier to pursue and had more success with it in the past. After a couple of decision rounds, you will get a feeling for it and it will become easier, no worries. There is a huge difference of learningHow To Winand learning the basics of the game. The C.I.R on the other hand will give you a deeper look into market share, S/Q ratings as well as price. However, you should keep on thing in mind: Your internet price should ideally be 40% higher than your wholesale price. BSGTips.com is a proven guide (written by a Business Strategy Game Grand Champion) on how to win, not just how to play. And profit is what the game is all about. I want to thank you for visiting my Business Strategy Game (BSG Online) website. For further explanation, please read my blog post. It typically keeps increasing until a certain price point and then starts to drop. You will soon know why. Any thoughts? Worst case, all the demand is already satisfied in your region before your shoes at a certain price is being considered. I was a poor undergraduate college student, too, at one point, and I understand your unwillingness to pay for an additional book. The ULTIMATE Business Strategy Game BSG Guide - 2023 - YouTube Hence, make sure to plug in every possible value to reach the highest net profit possible. havr the highest stock price, image rating at 90, A+ still, and double digit EPS. One way you can maximize the R.O.E is to purchase stock at the earliest possible time. It makes sense; the more ads you run, the more your celebrity endorsement will be seen and the more effective it is. If not, see what positive percentage yields the highest profit for you. My question is what if I decreased the pay dividends to $0.15 from $1.00? Try out different combinations that keep you at 8* and the highest possible net profit. Were at the middle of the pack and wanted the best strategy to move up the ranks. I promise you my techniques and tips are fully replicable and have kept me theundefeatedall theseYears! What will I get for my $48? Switch between different advertising budgets to see which strategy will be the most cost-effective to capture the target market at the best price. Choosing a Strategy - BeatBSG If this is still not enough, add the missing shoes to the other plants Branded Pairs to be Manufactured in Year XX number. I still think its a waste to build a plant there, unless youre selling tons of shoes (high models, mid SQ). I only ever paid attention to my profits and I never ever sold capacity. Tips on How to Win the Business Strategy Game (BSG) - Top Academic Writers Embedded in the magic numbers is a reinforced long-term money-saving strategy that will save you money every year forever! I would definitely increase your S/Q rating to 8* and lower your models to 50 (this should be the lowest you can go if I remember correctly). You said that the internet price should be 40% above wholesale. Again, this can be trial and error for a couple of decisions but you should get a feeling for what multiplier is best for your company. The private-label market is a very nice opportunity to gain an advantage off your competitors and take their market share. The ULTIMATE Business Strategy Game (BSG) Guide Tutorial - 2022 Here, you will determine the Percentage of Superior Materials, Number of Models, Enhanced Styling / Features, TQM / Six Sigma Quality Program, Change in Annual Base Wages, Incentive Pay, and Best Practices Training.
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